Monday, August 25, 2014

64 Faces, A new sketchbook

I didn't walk into the store to purchase yet another sketchbook but when I found myself standing in front of the varying options I knew I had to get one. I carefully handled each book type, feeling the paper and reading specifications for media use. I finally decided that I needed to spend almost $40 on a striking Strathmore mixed media sketchbook containing 64 white pages. I clearly have no self control!
This sketchbook is going to be a project and challenge. I am going to draw/paint/sketch 64 different portraits, covering every page of this beautiful book; and I'm going to attempt to finish it by the end of the year! This gives me roughly 18 weeks to complete it which means I need to finish around 3.5 portraits per week. It doesn't sound like too much work but as of September I am back to being a full time ballet teacher so I will have to use my time wisely. 
These are the first 3 portraits. I used ink and coloured pencils and had the luxury of completing them while relaxing at my cabin! 
Special shout-out to Sebastian for rescuing my cream pencil from under the deck (it jumped out of the case and rolled through a crack just as I was packing up.) He skillfully lifted it out using an old fishing rod and medical tape....thanks for being a hero! ;)

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